Since 1984, our award-winning cheeses have become a staple in the repertoire of our best chefs and commonplace on cheese boards. The range has expanded, but the philosophy behind Kāpiti and its commitment to excellence remain intact.
“Creating truly great food for sharing and enjoying is, and always will be, at the heart of everything we do.”
At Kāpiti, we are passionate about the pleasures and principles of good food. We start with not only the right ingredients, but the best ingredients, that when combined with the finest dairy in the world, create captivating, exciting, and engaging tastes, textures and flavours. Using our skill, passion & care we craft them into something truly special and uniquely New Zealand.
Whether inspired by the ingredients, our heritage, the flavours, or by the land itself, every product we make is unique – each has its own story and each is worth discovering. Our cheeses have te reo names that reference their style, and the illustrations on our beautiful wraps are inspired by the Kapiti landscape and represent the taste and texture of each cheese.
We hope you enjoy our cheeses as much as we do making them.

Tasting Board

We are passionate in our pursuit of taste. If you are too, sign up to our ‘Tasting Board’ for a taste of what we’re up to.